You've probably heard the line, "Where did all my money go? Oh, yeah. I'm riding it."

Horses tend to be a risk that is expensive to insure because of the liability and well, the risk involved. Weaver Insurance is appointed with a number of companies that we can quote your horse operation with, whether that may be horse lessons, boarding, or having them as a lawn ornament.

Call us for more information.


It's that time of year folks!

We are thankful to live in such a great county and serve our Lancaster farmers. Our two main producers, Clifford Sweigart and Reuben Ziegler, grew up on the farm and worked in the agriculture industry. Our customers have always appreciated dealing with agents who understand what coverages they need due to their farming background.

Call in to talk to Cliff or Reuben about getting a quote for your farm or crops.


Headed off to visit clients this morning.

At Weaver Insurance we specialize heavily in Agribusiness. Our owner and producer, Cliff Sweigart, regularly meets with clients to review their policies to explain coverages and make any needed changes.

We are here to serve you!